
現在巴西2014 FIFA 世界盃足球賽正如火如荼進行著,我不禁想起第一次有印象的世足賽是1998 法國那屆,那年正好高一暑假,閒來無事,剛好電視播了幾場,也就看了一下。當時還不太懂足球,印象中法國的席丹(Zidane)很強,控球頭槌都十分出 色。那年也因為世界盃做了件蠢事...。接下來2002年由日韓舉行,那時大一,因為時差相近比賽時間正常,很多同學也有看,於是跟著看了滿多場。以後到 今年以前的世足上再也沒看過這麼多場比賽了。


當時明明是期末考週,大家還是擠在宿舍交誼廳,看巴西外星人Ronaldo神奇的射門,還有德國的Ballack與門將Kahn,西班牙門將 Casillas,英格蘭的Beckham、Owen,當然最有印象的是南韓與義大利那場比賽的黑哨讓義大利一人因紅牌下場,最後還輸掉比賽,當時甚至傳 言義大利對此裁判下達追殺令。實際上不只義大利,南韓在對上西班牙與葡萄牙時,裁判都極度偏袒南韓,這也成為這屆世界盃另一讓人難忘的特色。這屆的世界盃 終於另我感受到足球比賽的迷人,此後每屆的世足賽我都會看,或多或少,當個四年一次的球迷。然而,印象始終不及2002年這屆。

談到世足賽的主題曲,最有名的莫過於1998年Ricky Martin的"The Cup of Life"了。

Go, go, go
Ale, ale, ale



各國隊歌大多都熱情奔放,鼓舞人心,整體聽來也顯得熱鬧非凡,作為party songs再適合不過,不少歌曲更有世界一家之感,當中有幾首歌真是百聽不厭,甚至聽到破損了令我不得不買第二張。之後2006年雖有專輯但已無各隊隊歌,歌曲幾乎是流行音樂一點也不熱血。2010年甚至連專輯也沒有,只有吵得振天價響烏烏茲拉(vuvzela)。這一屆看來也不如2002年,所以至今 這張專輯仍是我最喜愛的世足專輯。

首先是2002年FIFA大會旋律 Anthem remix。充滿希望與未來感的樂音,揭開世足賽序幕。

接下來是主題曲Anastacia - Boom,不同於1998與2014 Richy Martin隨性輕鬆的拉丁曲風,這首歌顯得更為powerful與對勝利的狂熱。

Boom !
here to rock ya
Boom !
never stop, no
Boom !
raise up high

法國/全球隊歌 Pascal Obispo & Love United - Live for love united, 這首歌生動描述了球員在場上的奮戰不懈,與四海一家的精神。MV中還請來各國球員口白各種語言的"Live for love united"。

Have you ever dreamed of playing for
The biggest team there is on earth
Have you ever played at dreaming large
The time is now and you are the star

The ball is travelling in your direction
Give it all of your attention
Pick it up and pass it on
That's what's gonna make us strong

We will live for love united
We will give for love united
For moments like this
For all those we missed

We will live for love united
Come together undivided
We will stand up
For all the people of the worl

英國隊歌 A1 - Let it out, 曲風輕快,一點都不像是首描寫發現女朋友想分手但欲言又止、那種受不了即將爆發的情緒的歌。很喜歡這一首歌。

If you can’t wait any longer
Let it out, let it in
If you think time will make you stronger
Let it out, let it in
I can't wait

德國隊歌 Die Toten Hosen - We will be heroes, 另一首振奮士氣的歌,充分傳達了日耳曼戰車的鋼鐵鬥志。

We will be heroes
And we gonna win
No matter what you do
We're never ever giving in

We will be heroes
Stop us if you can
Win or lose it's a blow
For the course of the common fan

瑞典隊歌 Bomfunks mcs with Jessica Folcker - Something going on, 雖然瑞典止步16強,但這首歌依然充分表達了追逐勝利的慾望。

I know there's something going on
heeyey heeyey naah naah ooouh ooh
I know there's something going on
there is something going on
I know it won't be long
it won't be long before you're gone
there's something going on
to see the true battle
the rumble and the rattle

丹麥隊歌 Safri Duo meets Ayla - Sunrise, 清亮的女聲吟唱,幾乎沒什麼歌詞,配上類似new age的音樂,在整張專輯中顯得獨樹一格。

比利時隊歌 Lara Fabian - World at your feet, 很有張力的嗓音,告訴我們傾聽自己的心聲,懷著夢想前進,世界就在腳下。

Right at your feet

Gotta reach from your heart
And believe from the start
Can't you see there's a world at your feet
Gotta fight so much more
Than what you had before
Just believe that the world's at your feet

墨西哥隊歌 OV7 - Bringing the world back, 懷抱著夢想前進,雖然孤獨而艱辛,但會有一群志同道合的好友相挺,就像這屆的墨西哥隊,也差一點能抱著夢想回國了。

And just remember when the night seems so long
the darkest hour is just before dawn

If you got a dream you won't dream alone
'cause we're in this togheter
whether we stand or fall
make it thrugh the storm
when we'll overcome
and i know that i won't dream on my own
'cause we're bringing the world back home

And just remember when no hope has gone
the darkest hour is just before dawn


最後是Anthem orchestral, 整屆2002 世足賽的精采回顧。



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